The Healthy Snacks for Hungry Minds project was a tremendous success! A grateful thank you is in order for everyone who participated: Kristina Gribskov (project leader), Pete Gribskov, Mark Hewitt, Karen Scheeland, Antonio Anacan (Friend of Rotary).
On January 31st, volunteers shopped for healthy snack items at Winco and Costco using Club funds granted by the Community Service Committee. They carefully selected a variety of food options to meet the needs of young learners. Then, on February 1st, a group of volunteers worked together to sort and package the snacks into daily portions, ensuring that teachers have easy access to provide them as needed. The impact this project has made at Camas Ridge Community School is huge. This initiative has helped alleviate the burden on families and teachers who have been contributing snacks from their own resources. More importantly, it guarantees that students can stay focused and engaged in their learning without the distraction of hunger. Thanks to the dedication of our Rotary volunteers and the generous funding from the Club, the 1st-grade classrooms are now stocked with nutritious snacks that will last for over four months!
A special highlight of this project was that Kristina’s daughter, Avery, was able to participate, marking the beginning of her own Rotary experience. As a student in one of the 1st-grade classrooms at Camas Ridge, Avery had the opportunity to see firsthand how community support can make a difference in her school.
Healthy Snacks for Hungry Minds demonstrates the great projects come in all shapes and sizes. Bring your idea to the Community Service Committee and make it happen.
Photographs: Upper left, L to R; Avery Gribskov-Ahearn, Pete Gribskov; Upper right, L to R; Kristina Gribskov, Mark Hewitt,
Karen Scheeland, Antonio Anacan (friend of Rotary); Bottom center; Avery.